Singleton Heights Public School Aboriginal Dance and Culture group

This year, members of the Aboriginal Dance and Culture group at Singleton Heights Public School have been lucky to have the expert guidance of Mr Michael Heitmeyer on a fortnightly basis. They have performed at a number of school and community events. These include NAIDOC day celebrations and the Coal and Allied Warkworth Mine Indigenous Recognition Day.

The highlight of the year for the dancers was performing at the annual school presentation day ceremonies. This was the first time the group had been invited to participate in the day alongside their peers who performed with other extra-curricular groups.

The dancers took to the stage with amazing pride and passion, and as always they were ‘deadly’. The feedback from staff, students and community was awesome with many commenting on the focus and commitment shown by the group. At the conclusion of the dancing, three of the senior dance members took it upon themselves to speak, thanking Michael for his guidance and support.

Written by Lisa Levick from Singleton Heights Public School. Story contributed by Kathryn Martin-Anderson. Published 2016.